Saturday, July 25, 2015

Some Hard Facts You Must Know in Getting Your Desired Baby Gender

•    Why am I not getting my desired type of gender in my baby conception?

•    Why is God not favouring me with my required gender in baby?

•    Why do I keep giving birth to baby girls/boys?

•    Is there any way of getting my desired baby gender?

•    How can I obtain the reliable information in selecting my desired baby gender? Etc.

These and many more questions are the components of the mind of a parent who desperately need to conceive a baby boy/girl in order to feel fulfilled. Getting the desired baby gender is the dream of any loving couple. It is not that they do not love their existing baby girls/boys with all their hearts but they need to fulfil the burning desire in completing their family: that is, have both baby boy(s) and girl(s).

A couple may not care about the gender of the first and possibly the second baby of the same sex but with the expectation of the third baby, their focus will be on reproduction of opposite baby gender. So as to feel fulfilled in having both genders of babies, that is both baby boys and baby girls. Failure to produce the desired baby gender sometimes makes some parents feel guilty as if it was their fault. Some even launch the blame at the doorstep of their Creator. God had already blessed the mankind in Genesis 1:28 thus:

Gen. 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

God did not specify when, why and how you should have a specific baby gender. That is of your own choice or selection!

In a nutshell, what I am trying to say here is that if a couple had initially given birth to one or two baby boys, they will be anxious for their next baby to be a baby girl (and vice versa).  In most cases, newly married couple will be dreaming of a balanced reproduction of baby genders (that is, a pretty baby girl and a handsome baby boy).

However there are a lot of factors that determine the gender of the baby you conceive. All these factors can easily be controlled by you as a result of your sexual actions and otherwise. By sexual actions, I mean the styles and techniques you adopt during your sexual intercourse with each other as a willing couple, the way your libido push you to enjoy your sexual funfair, your pre-sexual romances etc.

This shows that you must be ready to adopt the right method and apply the method at the right time in order to have your desired baby gender. Some of the factors you need to consider are as follow:

1.    The Chromosomes Factor: There are two X-chromosomes in a woman’s ovum (that is XX-chromosomes) while a man’s sperm contain one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome (that is XY-chromosomes). The combination of any of a woman’s X-chromosomes and the lone X-chromosome in a man’s sperm will result in fertilization as complete XX-chromosome (that is a beautiful baby girl). However, if the man’s only Y-chromosome is able to unite with any of the female’s X-chromosome, the complete XY-chromosome results (that is a handsome baby boy). So, how do you control the right chromosome in a man’s sperm to unite with any of the female’s X-chromosome?

2.    Fertility Rate: For a woman with low fertility, it will be somehow difficult in achieving the desired baby gender. Hence, the woman’s fertility needs to be boosted for a specific baby gender: baby boy or baby girl.

3.    Timing of Conception: The ovulation cycle calendar of the woman need to be studied in order to know the right time in the fertility cycle when you can have sex and conceive the desired baby gender of your choice. A couple must have the complete knowledge of fertility cycle of the woman in naturally selecting the gender of their baby.

4.    The Best Sexual Position in Conceiving a Specific Gender: There are some sexual styles/techniques that are particularly favoured for conceiving a baby girl or baby boy. For example, the best sexual position if you want to conceive a baby girl is “spoon” sexual position. Also, conceiving a baby boy also has its best sexual position. In much the same way, using deep penetration sexual positions favor the conception of a male baby boy because it gives the Y-sperm a shorter, easier trip, while using shallow penetration favors a girl.

5.    The Foods That Affect Baby Gender Selection: Research had shown that some foods and drinks help in boosting the selection of a specific baby gender. The consumption of these foods and drinks at the right time and quantity naturally changes the woman’s body chemistry and prepares the body for the expected baby gender.

6.    The Vaginal PH: Some vagina tends to be more acidic than normal; that is, a vagina may be acidic or alkaline. For acidic vaginal environment, the result of this is that the male’s Y-chromosomes will be die off as they are deposited in the vagina and are faced with the acidic environment, hence favouring the X-chromosomes thereby resulting in baby girl. However, if the vagina is less acidic than normal (that is alkaline), the result will favour the survival of Y-chromosomes because most of the X-chromosomes in the male’s sperm will naturally die off as they are being deposited at the vaginal entrance. Hence, some woman may need to douche their vagina with some special liquid in order to “normalize the acidity” of the vagina. However, there is a better solution to "douching".

Required Solution to All These Reproductive Abnormally

For all these reproductive abnormally, what is required are just:

•    The acquisition of the right knowledge, and

•    Correct application of the knowledge.

For more knowledge on all these six (6) items listed above, you can explore this blog more.


However, for items 2, 5 and 6 specifically, you only need to change your body chemistry through applied intake of the right natural foods and drinks that I will recommend for you in my blog (mentioned above). Correct application will naturally transform your body chemistry and surprisingly prepare your body to receive fertilization of specific gender of your choice. Even there is no need for any form of douching because the intake of the natural foods and drinks will adjust all these abnormalties in your body.

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